So, and, many days has it been? 10 hour flight to Japan, 5 hour layover (including a foot massage and a shower), 6 hours to Bangkok, overnight in a hotel, 1 hour flight to Phuket, 40 minute taxi to the pier, 2 hour boat ride to Phi Phi- and somehow neither Jamie nor I have jet lag. At all.
Coming into the pier at Phi Phi was exactly what I had read- you can see the devastation right away. Yes, it is masked a bit by new buildings, and friendly faces, of course. But as we were walking through those narrow passageways to check out hotels, it became more and more apparant, with cement mixers right on the beach, sandbags everywhere, people painting, cleaning, and of course touting. We didn't arrive until almost 5:00 pm Tuesday (left SF 9:00 am SUNDAY-Yikes), so we haven't checked out the relief efforts yet. Although not jet-lagged, we are definitely tired, and going to spend a day being tourists and getting things organized before we do. It is definitely more clear to me now, what it means to spend money here.

Jamie and I sat inside the boat for most of the boat ride from Phuket, until I could see we were coming close to Phi Phi. Even inside, we could see islands all the way to the horizon. Approaching Phi Phi, we decided to go up to the top of the boat with the suntanners to get a better view. Jamie was in absloute shock- probably much like I looked when I saw it for the first time. HUGE cliffs seem to vanish into the sea, here. The tops of them are covered in palms, the sides, several different shades of beige and white that contrasts both the sea and the jungle in a way that is somewhat indescribeable. Being limestone, there are also stalagtites that look as if they are wax dripping down the cliffs, creating just enough texture to convince you that, no, this is not a photo- you are here, right now.

Relieved- that is how I feel right now. I was so worried about being here, and I think I figured out why. I think I associated my night here with my nights in Phuket (esp the horrible one in Patong last time, that I am sure I have shared with many of you. With those I haven't, ask me later). Yes, it is touristy, yes it is full of very young travelers. But it still remains an amazing sight, and we found a relatively inexpensive, but very clean place right off the beach (600 Baht, which is about 15 dollars). Last time, it was high season, and very difficult to find a place. This time, along with general tsunami slowdown, it is also low season, so there are far far fewer people here. Besides, this is a great way to sort of get accustomed to the pace of Thailand, and chill a little before we have the more cultural experience in Ranong.
And so we are, enjoying the here and now. We had a great Thai meal (Jamie's first), and originally had plans to go watch some firedancers (I know- no comments), or Thai kickboxing, and as we finished dinner and walked across the path to our hotel, recognized how exhausted we are. So internet and bed it is for us, with plans to go on a tsunami walk if we get up early enough, sit around, get ANOTHER 6 dollar, hour-long massage, and eat some good food, until we go to the HIPhiPhi meeting at 7:00.
WIll this all make sense after a full night's sleep after so much travel- I don;t know. But I do know that sleep is the goal right now, so I say, "goodnight!".
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